Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Part of Europe's leadership appears to approach events by "turning everything into a contest" with the Americans, says Kissinger

…the chronicler of Castlereagh and Metternich is surely the most believable American willing to proclaim to a European audience (and escape their snorts and titters) that the relationship is spiritually and psychologically important for both sides
writes John Vinocur in his International Herald Tribune article about Henry Kissinger.
European leaders don't think in the same global strategic context, and the Europeans have difficulty (contrary to the cliché) distinguishing between their long-term interests and the short term.

In fact, Kissinger said a part of Europe's leadership — I can't imagine him challenging the idea that France and Germany want to enroll Russia in their vision of Europe serving as a counterweight to the United States — now appeared to approach events by "turning everything into a contest" with the Americans.

"Whether Europe becomes strong is essentially up to the Europeans," he said. "Is there any evidence the United States wants to divide Europe? I am an agnostic on the subject of the European constitution. But we are not attempting to prevent the consolidation of Europe."

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