Tuesday, April 05, 2005

The opiate of the masses: actual opiates

Three million europeans a day pass the doochie by the left hand side.

If you don’t think it matters, take a good look in the eye of the driver next time you step into a taxi. This chart does a nice job of showing the uselessness of both criminalization and legalization, both of which are meaningless without a population that puts some value in personal responsibility which the nanny state can’t.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch: there is no respect for what a bunch of discredited dead commies imagine was the opiate of the masses. Message delivered by a bunch of discredited living commies: tolerance and diversity means never allowing non-leftists to express themselves. The evidence is clear: common sense can only make it’s way into the back channels only when the keepers of civilization can’t control it.

The elephant in the living room?: the french left doesn't want to fly flags at half mast for a European head of state because of his faith.

What do these things have to do with one another? Each is evidence of a social force. Faith used to be respected as an individual’s right and perogative, now it isn’t. Personal responsibility as well. These are the sort of social forces they prefer to promote: ones that benefit no-one, keep old wounds open, maintain bitterness, and are obsessed with “the other” in society.

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