Thursday, January 20, 2005


In its eagerness to find fault with the administration, a member of the mainstream media writes that
Vice President Cheney made a rare admission of error in Iraq policy early today, saying that the administration had made a mistake by overestimating how quickly the country was likely to recover after the ousting of Saddam Hussein.
What was that mistake again?
Speaking on the radio show "Imus in the Morning," Mr. Cheney said that the Iraqis had been more intimidated by the brutalities of the Hussein regime than was understood before the invasion.

"I think the hundreds of thousands of people who were slaughtered at the time, including anybody who had the gumption to stand up and challenge him, made the situation tougher than I would have thought," Mr. Cheney said, according to The Associated Press. "I would chalk that up to a miscalculation, where I thought things would have recovered more quickly."

This is a mistake? If the bulk of the facts in Cheney's comments are true — that with hundreds of thousands of slaughtered people, the situation was in fact tougher than previously thought — then what does this say about the position of the so-called "peace camp", individuals and governments alike? You know, the position that held that the situation weren't that serious, that a smattering of dialogue and discussions with Saddam, sprinkled with patience, goodwill, and brotherhood, would solve the Iraqi crisis and bring about a peaceful solution…

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