Thursday, August 19, 2004

Hier Ve Ko All Ofer Akain...

Frau Möller? Bleace, gan you ket me mein kovvee, bitte... Und dee noosebaber? Danke.

Gut, less tsee vat's do to dotay. Ach ja… Bapers, bapers, more bapers… Virst ov all… vas ist dis? Ach, der Push-Kehry boll akain. Oh no…  Oh no… …Dis ist kettink oud ov hant. Vat do to, vat do to?… (Tsigh…) Bipbipbip-bupbipbip-bup… [bause] kome now, shnell, anzer dee telef… Ja, hallo, Fritz? Ja, id ist me. How are you toing? Und your vife? Ah, gut… Ja, I am vine doo. Ja, Else ist vine, alvays iss, you know her tsunny kharakter und…

Uh no, agtually you are right, Fritz, I tid not gall chust do tisguss our vifes und dee veadher. Look, somes'ing game ob, I haff a vafor to ask of you. No, chus' a liddle vafor, a liddle iddy biddy vafor… Vell, it vould abbear dat ve mus' chainch it akain. Vat? Der poll, ov gourse. Ja ja, galm town, Fritz, ja ja, ich know, it iss tirink. Put you must rememper, Fritz, Fritz, blease li — Fritz, listen do me! Rememper, Fritz, ve are tevoted to dee trut'! Dee trut', dee holle trut', und not'ink put dee trut'! Zo so lonk dat — Fritz, listen do me! — so lonk dat Kehry iss not vinnink, ve vill chainch it akain, und akain, undil… Ja? Ja, I untershtand… ja ov kourse I to… vell listen, I abbreshiate your batience und… Fritz, listen, it iss imbordant! …Okay, why ton't ve to it dis vay? Vhy ton't you take it ovv der vebside aldoget'er? Vhile in der meandime I t'ink ov vot do to. No no chus' remofe it aldoget'er, vhile I t'ink… Ja Fritz, I know, I know!, you tit it pevore, it iss a lot ov vork, aber… Ja, Fritz, ja I bromise it iss dee last dime. Ja, I bromise: dee last dime.

Ogay, Fritz, gall me pack when you haff tagen it off, vill you. Ogay… ogay… Ja, danke vielmals, I abbreciate it, pye-pye… Oh, und Fritz, rememper… I gould not to it widout you…

Lessee… vot ist negst on dee achenta?

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