Saturday, April 01, 2006

Orbiting planet dork

Ridley Scott is to make a biopic on the life of Mohammad with the incisive working title: Mohammad! This is sure to make him both a dhimmi and a blasphemer of sorts, and by all known standards a target of quite a bit of “love.” reports that the dazzle of the limelight can p-whip even the most obstinate.:

«Iqbal Sacranie [TR.: drunkard] of the MCB was reportedly furious when he first heard about the project. However, when he was offered the role of head consultant on Islamic matters, he had a change of heart:

“I am proud to be part of this important project which will increase understanding of Islam and build bridges between faith communities.” »

Décidément nous n'avons pas les mêmes valeurs

With opinions like that he can come to France and run for President.

French rap?!? I thought it was the Monkees

More French rap with Assassin. The clip has frequent references to Mumia, Paris city citizen of honor thanks to Notre Dame de Paris Mayor Bertrand Delanoë.

Radio Days

Astute European blogger blows apart moonbat conspiracy theories in our midsts.

Germany: number 1 in the number 2 business

The observer of Hermann notes that the smell is ubiquitous.

So much so, that you don’t notice it. It’s why Hermann thinks his shit don’t stink.

Genau. Natürlich.

QI franchouille aux chiottes

Je me demandais ... Est-ce que les franchouilles sont vraiment si stupides, ou est-ce que ce sont les racailles qui font baisser la moyenne nationale ?

If you place the letters 'hit' after their name you will know exactly what they are

French rap group Royal*S and their latest release "Fuck Captain America". Boilerplate French rap lyrics: Bush Sr. is terrorist no. 1, Bush Jr. is terrorist no. 2, ... oh, and don't forget to bomb the White House.


"This is our home. You cannot act like this here"

First, drawings of the Prophet. Next, it will be the booze. Paris youths tell café owner who is the boss. And don't you forget it, dhimmi.

Friday, March 31, 2006

Weasels in Meatspace

Behold the bosses: their greed keeps minority unemployment high.

Nothing left to redistribute. It’s time to steal.

Socialism makes scarcity. Become socialistic enough, and even the most basic life events go into the resource roller derby ring to be fought over. Groups with a common lifestyle become factions scraping at each other in desparation. Precisly the opposite of the socialist's intent, and under the pressure of paying for it all, hunter-gathering has become their new humanism.

Like anything else which is not left to the public to mediate on its' own, it turns into a familiar situation which they’ve spread far and wide. Brussels Journal reports on a particularly Dutch political parasite who wants educated women who raise children to give the state their tuition back.

Because it costs something, motherhood is growing into little more a managed and funded program that doesn’t fit the fetishes of the social modification mindset. Therefore as a competing concept, it has to be made economically unviable. Imagined to be "breeders", they need to fit a certain mold to survive the resource fight. You may thank the grand social thinker for this high regard they have of humanity.

The only thing of interest here is that someone finally realizes that the student, not society is the only beneficiary of that subsidized education. It only informs one thing: subsidizing ANYONE'S education - not just studious women who want to be mothers. After all Doctors and engineers can always be lured into the realm with much less money then it takes to appease a member of the cult of Gramsci who are used to making something free for one group on the backs of another.

It speaks to the delusions and simplistic level of Euro-lefty thought to imagine that life once set on a path cannot change. Dignifying the tax-plutocrat's image of people with some awareness of their ingenuity has yet to reveal itself. These cranks don’t want people to think for themselves, in this case with women as their customized victims, a politcal cause can seem to be afoot. The same is true of any other group which can self-identify in the favor of the never-ending parade of guilt-trip stunts. Yet the whole notion always seems to stumble into the basic fact that success needs to be permitted to occur unfettered and without micromanagement. Lakshmi Mittal will always look like someone they wish would live differently to play into the left's sick little "Punch and Judy Show."

Although with enough repetition, anyone can be fooled. The bill then comes in.

There it extends from hurt feelings to hubris where other resources must then be fought over because they’ve been made hard to produce under the management of the betters. Under the weighty good intentions of however-many-laws-and-regs, little of note can really happen. EUtopia has a bone to pick with Microsoft for simply being a success, so too with Apple of course, and Adobe as well. Right on the heels of having missed that particular boat, they mounted said assault on Adobe well after a licensed free PDF writer made the effort transparently silly.

Regardless of outstanding complaints of non-european consumer preference monopoly, a free reader may be downloaded from their site. To read their regulations.

TCS Daily profiled the pattern:

When you can't invent, you legalize theft
When you can't control, you break it up
When you can't create, you replicate
When you can't prevent, you protect
The EU apparatus should start reading actual events instead of constructing “9th framework talks” that reek of the Soviet 5 year plans. “National champions” are in effect a contrived winner forced on a consumer regardless of their preference. The law, the rule, the policy, are advanced to make just another thing economically unviable at the alter of the social model.

"It was one small comment by a presenter. Apart from that, for anyone watching yesterday's coverage, it was very detailed and very balanced"

Didn't we say so? A CNN journalist has apologized for an anchor's remark (one lone, innocent remark, it need be pointed out) comparing the riots in France to the tragedy at Tien An Men square. Never mind what this says about free speech in the country of openness and dialogue and never mind what this says about the willingness of the mainstream media (American or otherwise) to cave in when summoned by the authorities.

The French hysteria when their country is targetted by the criticism of foreigners, journalists or otherwise, shows how prevalent opinions and judgments about their society and about the world in general must be self-serving (the French are more lucid and more reasonable and more avant-garde than everybody else, even (those rare times) when they are wrong) and, within certain parameters, must not be deviated from. Otherwise, all hell breaks loose…

Backing Out Before Protests: The Malik Syndrome

While Washington issues a travel advisory, Expatica traces the history of student protests — and their strength — back to bloke named Malik…

In a rare address to the nation carried live on all the main television channels at 8pm, Chirac is to address the matter in a speech tonight…

Faudrait le piquer, celui-là

Hack actor and dope fiend, Sami Nacéri, has been busted again on a drunk driving charges. While in holding he lashed out at police officers with some choice anti-Semitic rants. Sami was in the news most recently for threatening to kill Salman Rushdie on the set of prime-time State TV interview show 'Tout le Monde en Parle'. Sami ranted about Salman provoking and humiliating him and all Muslims and that if an Imam were to pay him to do so, he would kill Rushdie. The show was edited before airing by dhimmified State TV.

Translation of article linked in “Brainwashed Nation”

From Brainwashed Nation we linked the following by Ivan Rioufol:

Effets d'une politique du mensonge / What mendacious policies get you

There is a virtue to the current social political crisis: it reveals the anachronism of a society deceived by decades of lies. They made believe that liberal markets were a calamity, the access to the university degrees for everyone was progress, that immigration from the Third World could succeed. These lies surround the CPE which is held up like a straw man by a left made up of the young people as a target of their revolts, and in their marches as racism at work.

It was an anticapitalist and bureaucratic France which showed this on Tuesday with the support of a large part of the population. In a March 25-26 survey by Le Figaro Only 36% of the French back free enterprise, unlike 74% of the Chinese, 71% of Americans, and 67% of Britons. The survey to be brought closer to home the point that a quarter of all employees work in the public sector, and that becoming a civil servant remains the dream job of 15-30 year olds.

This fear of competition is at the heart of the tension. Business owners are seen as an enemy, and the Fair labor standards act as a scripture. The antis behave as if they feared that this contract, would challenge their belief system by creating jobs. But this immobilized France can no longer be satisfied with promoting the anachronistic socialist model. Even the old Eastern European countries save for Belarus, changed to accept the risks of the market.

Not since the referendum on the Constitution was there this perestroïka that released the public’s critical ire. If we all still have to listen to this unrebutted argument, the brutal reality is given over to conservatives. Also the intransigence of the left that only proposes going backward, can it contribute to the rupture necessary to wake up a system, which is critically ill. Further the indecent graduates in this conflict reveal the fraud of a faculty that has given up. As for the aggressive suburban hooligans in the demonstrations, I’m reminded of something Andreï Makine said in its last book (This France which one forgets to like, Flammarion): "France is hated because the French let its’ substance waste away, to transform itself into nothing other than a territory of settlements, a remote outpost in a globalized Eurasia."

The barbarian age

To tell the truth, France lets itself see in a worrying state. On Sunday archbishop of Paris Monseigner Andre made a apt observation: "the blocking of democratic institutions, intimidation, a forced vote, decisions withdrawn under pressure, the destruction of equipment, books and instruments, are reminiscent of 20th century Germany and Russia. Our democracy should be ashamed of the revival of these phantoms of totalitarianism."

There are reasons to be frightened of the vandalism by extremists who trashed the Sorbonne, the School of Charters, the Institute for Advanced Social Sciences, and that set fire to the Saint-Germain library, not to mention the raids by housing project dwellers and the violence that came with it, including that against women. The school, apparently, can’t seem to inspire respect for people, culture, and books anymore.

Bewildering bankruptcy.

Here’s National Education’s game: In the Alpes-Maritimes culture, education, and leisure area of Aspres, a thousand teens are invited to work on the topic of redistribution (with the curriculum provided by S.O.S-Education). They were asked to imagine slogans and to make banners for a fictitious demonstration planned for April 4. Thus a generation of beggars is formed. There were 12-14 year olds in the march.

Does raising "citizens" at least wake up their consciences? After the death of 17 year old Sohane Benziane in October 2002, the indignant quickly forgot the execution of Ghofrane Haddaoui in Marseilles, Karen Moutet-Toutain, a teacher who was stabbed Chahrazad Belayni who was set alight, Jean-Clausde Irvoas lynched in front of his family, the handicapped woman who was drizzled with gasoline on a bus, the insults against Raphaël Clin a gendarme who ran into trouble, the martyrdom of Ilan Halimi, etc. Indeed, it’s the age of barbarians.


It is this society of abandonment that should change. However, this concern seems foreign to the thousands of demonstrators, who are making the UMP tremble. The opponents of the CPE, civil servant to a large extent, have of another ambition: only to preserve the system they benefit from. Youthful anger is also inspired in the worst way to join this same cause with the culprits defending a broken down system. This is why Domenique de Villepin is resisting it strongly, and is trying to free himself from the tyranny of having to get a consensus. The coming days will reveal if Jacques Chirac will permit completing his own "Thatcherization". If the street succeeds, others could join them. Some already have each Sunday afternoon in front of Paris city hall to demand the basic reforms.

"Here at home"

Read in Libération yesterday: in a suburban café saw a display of a religion hijacked by "young people". The "big brothers" warned the bar manager: "You are here on our premises, you must do what we tell you or we’ll bring our Muslim brothers from Belleville." Thus the wolves have entered Paris.
End of text.

Brainwashed Nation

Ivan Rioufol

L'actuelle crise politique et sociale a une vertu : elle révèle l'anachronisme d'une société abusée par des décennies de mensonges. Ils ont fait croire que le libéralisme était une calamité, l'accès aux diplômes pour tous un progrès, l'immigration du tiers-monde une chance. Ces falsifications s'entrechoquent autour du contrat première embauche, brandi comme un épouvantail par une gauche passéiste cornaquant des jeunes en révolte et cibles, dans leurs défilés, du racisme antiblanc.

C'est une France anticapitaliste et fonctionnarisée qui a manifesté mardi, avec le soutien d'une partie de l'opinion. Il est vrai que seuls 36 % des Français feraient confiance à la libre entreprise, contre 74 % des Chinois, 71 % des Américains, 67 % des Britanniques (Le Figaro, 25-26 mars) : un sondage à rapprocher du fait que le quart des salariés travaille dans le secteur public et que le fonctionnaire, largement représenté au Parlement, reste l'idéal des 15-30 ans.

Cette peur de la concurrence est au coeur de la tension. Le patron est vu comme l'homme des turpitudes, et le Code du travail comme le livre sacré. Les anti-CPE se comportent comme s'ils redoutaient que ce contrat, en créant des emplois, ébranle leur croyance. Mais cette France immobile ne peut plus se contenter d'épousseter la momie du modèle socialiste. Même les anciens pays de l'Est, Biélorussie à part, se sont convertis au marché et au risque.

Depuis le non au référendum sur la Constitution, une perestroïka libère l'esprit critique. Si ces voix discordantes ont encore du mal à se faire entendre, la brutalité des réalités se charge de bousculer les conservatismes et le prêt-à-penser. Aussi l'intransigeance de la gauche, qui ne propose qu'un retour en arrière, peut-elle contribuer à la prise de conscience d'une rupture nécessaire avec un système caricatural, qui fait de la France un cas clinique.

D'autant que ce conflit dévoile aussi, avec ces diplômes sans valeur, la tromperie d'un enseignement ayant renoncé à la sélection. Quant aux agressions de manifestants par des voyous des banlieues, elles rappellent cette remarque d'Andreï Makine, dans son dernier livre (Cette France qu'on oublie d'aimer, Flammarion) : «La France est haïe car les Français l'ont laissée se vider de sa substance, se transformer en simple territoire de peuplement, en un petit bout d'Eurasie mondialisée.»

Le temps des barbares

A dire vrai, la France se laisse voir dans un état inquiétant. L'archevêque de Paris, Mgr André Vingt-Trois, a fait un bon diagnostic, dimanche : «Le blocage des institutions démocratiques, l'intimidation, le vote forcé, les décisions enlevées à l'arraché, la destruction des outils intellectuels, livres et instruments de travail, tout cela a fonctionné en Europe au XXe siècle, en Allemagne et en Russie. Notre démocratie devrait avoir honte de voir resurgir en son sein les fantômes du totalitarisme.»

Il y a de quoi être effrayé par le vandalisme des extrémistes qui ont mis à sac la Sorbonne, l'Ecole des chartes, l'Institut des hautes études en sciences sociales, et qui ont incendié une librairie à Saint-Germain. Effrayé aussi par les razzias de nazillons venus des cités et par leurs violences, y compris contre des femmes. L'école, apparemment, ne sait plus faire respecter les hommes, la culture, les livres. Faillite étourdissante.

Voilà à quoi joue l'Education nationale : A Grasse (Alpes-Maritimes), au centre loisirs, éducation, culture des Aspres, un millier d'enfants d'une dizaine d'années sont invités à travailler sur le thème de la revendication (information fournie par SOS-Education). Il leur est demandé d'imaginer des slogans et de confectionner des banderoles, en vue d'une manifestation fictive, prévue le 4 avril. Ainsi se forme une génération de quémandeurs. Il y avait des 12-14 ans dans les défilés.

Le dressage «citoyen» éveille-t-il au moins les consciences ? Après la mise à mort de Sohane Benziane, 17 ans, brûlée vive en octobre 2002, les indignations ont vite oublié la lapidation de Ghofrane Haddaoui à Marseille, l'agression au couteau contre l'enseignante Karen Moutet-Toutain, Chahrazad Belayni transformée en torche vivante, Jean-Claude Irvoas lynché devant sa famille, la femme handicapée aspergée d'essence dans un bus, les insultes contre le gendarme Raphaël Clin agonisant, le martyre d'Ilan Halimi, etc. Oui, le temps des barbares.

Contre-manifestations ?

C'est cette société à l'abandon qu'il faut changer. Or cette préoccupation semble étrangère aux milliers de manifestants, qui font trembler aujourd'hui l'UMP. Les opposants au CPE, fonctionnaires pour une large part, n'ont d'autre ambition que de préserver des mécanismes dont ils sont les bénéficiaires. Aussi la jeunesse en colère est-elle mal inspirée de joindre sa cause à ceux qui la victimisent pour défendre un système en panne. Pour ces raisons, Dominique de Villepin donne un bon exemple de résistance, en s'affranchissant de la tyrannie du consensus. Ces prochains jours diront si Jacques Chirac lui permettra d'aller au bout de sa «thatchérisation». Si la rue devait avoir gain de cause, d'autres Français pourraient bien y descendre à leur tour (certains manifestent déjà chaque dimanche après-midi devant l'Hôtel de Ville, à Paris) pour réclamer les indispensables réformes.

«Ici, chez nous»

Dans Libération, hier : Le café La Mer à Boire (XXe) a vu son exposition de caricatures sur les religions saccagée par des «jeunes». Les «grands frères» ont prévenu les responsables du bistrot : «Vous êtes ici chez nous, vous devez faire ce qu'on veut. On va aller chercher les Frères musulmans de Belleville.» Les loups sont entrés dans Paris.

The new model army

The new trostkyike manger scene. Betcha cant wait for Christmas Winterval

Fresh from the Propagandastaffel. An amazing bit of emotional projection:

Like Sarkozys Pit Bulls:

Ultraviolence in Invalides
Saint-Cloud also protesting
See? Bait and switch! If its woooooong! it also has to be part of someone elses ideology, just like blaming a negative image on the international press. If 50 years of creeping socialism has failed, try MORE OF IT!

Up is down, and calm is violence. All clear now?

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Developing ...

France's Constitutional Court has just announced its decision regarding the youth labor law. The Court has ruled that the law is constitutional without any reserve whatsoever. Reports are circulating (still rumors at this point) that Chiraq will sign the law as early as tomorrow.

What?!? How is that possible...

...without a CDI?
From that great pillar of literature, NY Daily News:

The city's jobless rate fell to 5.3% last month from 5.5% in January, continuing the gradual decline it has made since last November, the New York State Department of Labor said yesterday.

Looking to rake in the big bucks? Learn how to fly a plane. Pilots were among the biggest wage-earners in the New York area, bringing home about $150.27 an hour this time last year, the government said in a separate report.

On average, workers in and around Manhattan earned $26.20 an hour in March 2005, a survey by the Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics showed.

Who's to Blame for France's Bad Image Regarding the Riots? The International Media, of Course

You realize, of course, that when America has a problem regarding its bad image — whether in regards to foreign policy (say, Iraq) or its capitalist society (the poor, crime, violence, the lack of solidarity, etc), it is the Americans' own fault for the bad image in question. In no way would it be, could it be the fault of the biased media (domestic or foreign), you realize.

How this changes when it comes to Europe! As Jacques Chirac prepares a speech on the riots (and as it turns out that Italy may have a similar problem), the French have found their bogeyman for their, uh, not-so-good image: the international media and their portrayal of the riots (especially the Anglo-Saxon media!). In other words… the Americans are always to blame! No matter what!

Note, however, that Doreen Carvajal reports that the attitude of appallment is slightly self-serving. Indeed,
as foreign journalists point out, if cars were burning in their own capital cities, it would be front-page news.…

"The French have got a bit used to this phenomenon," said Erwan Lecoeur, research director at the Observatory for Public Debate, which analyzes the impact of media coverage on society.

"Our Anglo-Saxon friends love showing that things are going badly here and the reaction on CNN is emblematic of that," he said. But he added that it was "hypocritical" of the French to complain about coverage when French TV was also airing plenty of violent images.

Also, I wrote a comment discussing the double standards of this self-serving attitude of appallment:
Une seule exagération sur la France -- qui ne va pas manquer d'être corrigée par les propres confrères (américains !) de CNN ainsi que par les blogs -- et les Français crient au scandale !

Est-ce qu'il faut vous rappeler ce que disent les Français à longueur d'année sur l'Amérique et les Américains? (Et là, sans correcteurs domestiques pour faire le Hola !)

Pour mémoire récente : la Nouvelle Orléans et l'ouragan Katrina, avec ses milliers de morts, le racisme outrancier de Washington, et la preuve de la dégénérescence indiscutable de la société américaine (il a, là aussi, fallu Fox News pour faire la simple tâche d'aller ...lire la Constitution américaine et découvrir que celle-ci interdisait au gouvernement fédéral (c-à-d Bush) d'intervenir dans un État si le gouverneur de ce dernier ne l'y avait pas formellement invité -- ce qu'en l'occurrence, Kathleen Babineaux Blanco n'avait pas fait)...

Je n'évoque même pas le capitalisme "sauvage", le "chaos" en Irak, et Bush=Hitler...

Deux poids deux mesures, Messieurs Dames, voilà ce que ça s'appelle...
Update: Better than expected…

Phoney revolutionairies

Silvio Berlusconi was roundly ridiculed by the French preSS for pointing out that Chinese communists boiled babies and used them as fertilizer during Mao's reign. Today, Libération PropagandaStaffel grudgingly admits that what Berlusconi said was true (today's edition page 11 -- no link yet) citing historian Stéphane Courtois who contributed to Le Livre Noir du Communisme.

Libération was founded as a Maoist community by Jean Paul Sartre and its current director, the cigar-smoking-hiring-and-firing ex-Maoist Serge July.

How spineless do you have to be ...

... to surrender to the French? Ask CNN.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

What Has Been Going On Behind the Façades of the Ministries

In Le Monde, Raphaëlle Bacqué, Rémi Barroux, Béatrice Gurrey, Christophe Jakubyszyn, and Philippe Ridet have authored an in-depth article on the road to the CPE crisis and the thoughts and ((not-so) secret) plans of all the actors involved. Béatrice Gurrey takes this further, analyzing Chirac and Villepin's (not-so) secret pact of May 29, while Bacqué answers questions regarding the strikes from the newspaper's readers. Regarding French fears, meanwhile, John Tierney puts forward a solution for "rescu[ing] France from its self-proclaimed malaise": hire Donald Trump.

Ces 68ards qui nous gouvernent

French politicians and media types hate the United States and Israel and -- now that it is a democracy liberated from dictatorship by an alliance that did not include France -- they hate Iraq as well (with the exception of terrorist insurgés).

Guy Millière nous fait le topo :

Je ne puis m’étonner, non. Mais je puis m’indigner. Je sais qu’on déteste ici les Etats-Unis d’Amérique : à un point tel que, comme me l’a fait remarquer mon ami Erik Svane, auteur d’un remarquable livre sur l’anti-américanisme français (« La Bannière Étalée », Éditions Underbahn), on pourrait reprendre des textes antisémites des années trente et remplacer le mot « juif » par le mot « américain » pour obtenir des textes tout à fait acceptables en France aujourd’hui. Comme l’a déclaré le grand écrivain Tom Wolfe, dire un mot positif concernant George W. Bush dans les salons parisiens vous vaut des regards aussi horrifiés que si vous aviez dit : « Je suis pédophile ».

Je sais qu’on aime, dans les milieux « politiquement corrects », les Arabes seulement si on peut les affubler du rôle de bon sauvage tueur de Juifs et d’Américains au Proche-Orient, et juste bons à être gouvernés par la trique ou à ramasser les poubelles en banlieue avant de rentrer dans leur HLM. Mais tout de même !

C’est une insulte aux millions d’hommes et de femmes qui constituent 95 % de la population irakienne que de penser qu’ils ne peuvent aspirer à la paix, au droit et à la démocratie. Les Irakiens ont voté trois fois en un an, avec des taux de participation importants et croissants. L’Irak est aujourd’hui le pays le plus démocratique du monde arabe. C’est une insulte à tous ceux qui ont été massacrés sous Saddam Hussein que de sous-entendre que c’était mieux avant et de regarder les violences subies par une population qui n’a que trop souffert avec l’œil blasé de celui qui ricane dans les cimetières.

The rebellion will not end until stagnation is permanent

«'This is a tidal wave of protest,' said Bernard Thibault, head of the traditionally Communist CGT union, citing the private sector employees, civil servants and old-age pensioners who had joined the students and union members marching through Paris.»
That aside, doesn’t it strike one as a little absurd that these “Revolutionary types” want nothing to ever change?
«That political spirit displayed by the student movement has created real links between them and the banlieue youth. It has also prevented Villepin’s attempts to divide the movement by playing off allegedly “privileged” university students against the young people of the suburbs.

The question is whether that political spirit generalises into the working class and energises the anti-CPE movement to push for stronger action.»
Using desiccated old phrases like “the bosses” and the like doesn’t actually mask the ignorance of the statement. The Anti-CPE protestors are, in the interest of insulating themselves from any of the risk in life, asking the unemployed in the banlieu to remain unemployed. Conventional wisdom aside, they are fighting over many of the same jobs which as less numerous without the CPE.

In effect what the redistributionist university student socialists are doing telling those less well of to go pound sand – opportunity isn’t made, it’s taken by ransom. They are not alone in losing touch with reality:
«Chirac was embarrassed by the way the mass marches coincided with the current visit to Paris of the King of Spain.»

Views From Abroad

Do you ever wake up and wonder how events in Europe are seen in the United States? If so, you will be interested to know that movers and shakers in the US Capital woke up to this visage today, courtesy of the Washington Post:

Just like a marriage, it’s best to see the other by what they do, not who you think they are. Having seen decades of European slagging of the US turn into little more than a desperate need to support the middle minded glaring of the “who we are” part of it, don’t be surprised If events don’t support it. It is, after all another moment where theatrics are preferred to dealing clearly with circumstances.

The importance of being earnest

The structural weakness of the argument that the US is making a mess of relations between other nations in the world is revealed and dispelled by one Tony Charles Lynton Blair. The source of the “poodle” nonsense which seems to have originated in the 2nd week of September in 2001 is meant to prop that argument up. Speaking in Canberra (another focus of the angry derision of those who tacitly promote the death of westerners,) he implied that a straw man can’t dance for the amusement of the moonbats of this world.

«Solving the world's problems needed an 'active foreign policy of engagement, not isolation' between countries, the British Labour Party leader told lawmakers, and Washington needed to be on board as much as possible.

But he pointed out: 'This alliance does not end with, but it does begin with America. For us in Europe and for you, this alliance is central. And I want to speak plainly here. I do not always agree with the US.»
Basically it’s the loonarati making progress and relations difficult. They are the bone caught in the world’s throat.
«It expanded on themes introduced in London last week, notably that the struggle for freedom, democracy, justice and fairness, were universal values, not just Western, American or Anglo-Saxon ones.»
That’s hardly a ringing endorsement for the notion that Georges Boooch is forcing anything on anyone. He has just become the straw man for those in the west (where rights are hardwired into our worldview) who hate their own culture, and wish to see them diluted to decay to the level of their own moral vanity.

The fix is in

It has been announced that Chiraq is going to speak out about the CPE (youth labor law) within the next few days, as if the President of a grande nation should stoop to handle the depths of such minutiæ, but first he is waiting for the Conseil Constitutionnel to rule on its constitutionality. The fix is in, people.

Social Solidarity, French-Style

What does one do when one hears a child's cries and screams coming from an apartment inhabited by a man known for his violent bent?

When you live in the country whose generosity and solidarity are legendary (so generous and solidaristic that it is only natural that the French constantly give advice to America's heartless capitalists on the matter), as Jacques Fortier explains, there is no need to do anything (why would there be when this society cannot but have the best social services on the planet) — even if you are the mother of the (eventually) dead boy. After all, you are living in an avant-garde society known for its legendary solidarity and generosity…

[Christophe] Beugnot dreams up terrible "corrections" for the child: ice-cold showers, nights spent naked tied to a chair, the requirement to eat the dog's fesces. … Today, Adeline [Marfe] says that she "didn't have the courage" and the force to stop the fatal spiral of violence. [The 25-year-old mother of 4-year-old Dylan said nothing, not even] to her parents, to her boss, to her neighbours, to her friends, not even to the father of her children, her former husband.
(Why is it I feel that it is time to link Dennis Prager again?…)


Tiananmen? Ouch! From Le Pen in 2002 -- to the rejection of the EU Constitution last year -- to the suburban riots -- to the current labor law imbroglio, France's international reputation is justifiably taking a serious beating.

The Revolution will not be Banalized

Who put the CS in the CRS? Elsewhere, De Villepin finally realizes that he’s talking to a speedbump.

Otherwise it all looks depressingly common:

«ndeed, for all its clamor and disruption, the latest political confrontation in France has a certain predictability to it.

Over the past 15 years, strikes and street demonstrations have become an integral part of the way public policy is made or, as is often the case, unmade, in a country that simultaneously fears and yearns for change.»
Which means that one shouldn’t expect any shoot to kill tactics any time soon.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

“Students” learn new idiom

Wood shampoo

Behold, a “student!”

REUTERS has the pendejo roundup:

«A French student is attacked by a gang of hooded youths from poor suburbs during a nationwide protest demanding the government to scrap a youth jobs law during a demonstration in Place de la Republique»

Paris Riot Watch

Water cannons are being brought in to the Place de la République in Paris to scatter the remaining core of anarchists that continue to slug it out with riot police.


Powerline takes a hard look at French youth, students, and their stunning lack of common/economic sense.

Paris Riot Watch

Running street battles are now underway between riot police and anarchists in and around the Place de la République in Paris.

Peaceful demonstrations in Paris, much like the Religion of Peace, are fiction

A supermarket has been ransacked and a café trashed on the Boulevard de l'Hôpital, situated in between the Place d'Italie (where Paris demonstrations kicked off earlier today) and the Bastille.

Just because you’re paranoid, it doesn’t mean that they aren’t after you.

Remember It’s always part of someone’s “big plan”... From Le Salon Beige via Alex Corvus we find more bad social theory leading to self-destruction:

«Having common "revolutionary" aspirations, Leftists invited the rabble to join them at the demonstrations. Today some of the same leftists are crying out to resist them!

An excerpt: The gangs of thugs made an objective success of what the cops didn’t have to do themselves, and did it even more effectively. They managed to empty out Les Invalides in less than half an hour.»
It took THAT LONG? They were obviously infiltrators planted there by the man!

Iraq Is Explained by Army's Failure to Use the French Soldier's Creed: "I am open to the world and to society and respect the differences therin"

Laurent Zecchini has found the reason why the war in Iraq has gone as it has (merci à VHB). In America's Military Strategy Explains the Failure in Iraq, he explains that it's because the American soldier is not as humane as his French counterpart!

Witness the French soldier's code of conduct — and compare it to the American's brutal creed; first the American soldier:
I am a warrior and a member of a team. I serve the people of the United States and live the Army values. …

I stand ready to deploy, engage and destroy the enemies of the United States of America in close combat.

I am a guardian [not the guardian, as the article states] of freedom and the American way of life.…
Contrast this with his French counterpart:
The master of my power, I show respect to the adversary and try to spare the populations. I obey orders respecting the laws, the customs of war, and international conventions … I am open to the world and to society and respect the differences therin.

Socialism teaches its citizens to expect everything, even if they contribute nothing

Pulling their berets down over their eyes and ears, however comforting temporarily, will not shield [the French from] reality
writes Dave Cloud while, in "Paddle the French Fanny", Larry Kudlow discusses a "nation of economic sleepwalkers" and the "French economy (or what’s left of it)".
Villepin’s far-from-Draconian reform is a reaction to the country’s government-planned entitlement state, overregulated labor laws, and sky-high jobless rate.

But French students [warning: male readers may find an extra inkling of sympathy with the students when viewing the first picture in this Le Monde portfolio] apparently prefer their little worker’s paradise just the way it is. The overall jobless rate in France hovers around 10 percent, so-called “youth unemployment” is 23 percent, and in some of the Muslim-heavy suburbs, joblessness is nearly 50 percent. Some paradise.

In France, you see, companies don’t grow because it’s too costly to hire while it’s against the law to fire. Hence, since they rarely add jobs, French businesses under-perform, under-produce, and under-employ. Think of it: It’s awfully tough to increase output without a growing workforce to produce it.

In that respect, it is not inappropriate to remember that today is the (70th) birthday of Mario Vargas Llosa, the Peruvian novelist and politician who said that
Prosperity or egalitarianism — you have to choose. I favor freedom — you never achieve real equality anyway: you simply sacrifice prosperity for an illusion.
Dennis Prager sums all this up:
These young people in France really believe that they should be able to be hired at their tender ages and that a company must not be allowed to fire them from their first day at work (except "for cause," which, as we are learning in America, is increasingly difficult to establish). In America, most of us would call the French young people's attitudes "spoiled."

Socialism teaches its citizens to expect everything, even if they contribute nothing.

Socialism teaches its citizens that they have a plethora of rights and few corresponding obligations -- except to be taxed.

And that is why the citizens of less socialist -- and more religious -- America give more charity per capita and per income than do citizens of socialist countries. That is why Americans volunteer time for the needy so much more than citizens of socialist countries do. That is why citizens of conservative states in America give more charity than citizens of liberal states do. The more Left one identifies oneself on the political spectrum, the more that person is likely to believe that the state, not fellow citizens, should take care of the poor and the needy.

Under socialism, one is not only liberated from having to take care of oneself; one is also liberated from having to take care of others. The state will take care of me and of everybody else.

The same holds true for foreign affairs. Why did the conservative government of Spain support the American war against Saddam Hussein's Iraq and send troops there, while the Spanish socialists withdrew Spanish troops as soon as they were voted into office? Because the idea of risking one's life to bring freedom to others -- or to risk one's life for another nation for just about any reason -- is alien to the socialist mindset.

…The socialist idea sounded altruistic to those who began it, and it sounds altruistic to the naive who believe in it today. In practice, however, it creates self-centered individuals and a narcissistic society. So while it may have begun as a way to help others, it has come to mean a way of evading responsibility for oneself and for others.

That is why France is so frightened of the utterly rational idea that a young person should have a two-year trial period at work before being granted a lifetime job. Such an innovation in France would mean that young people would have to work hard and earn the right to lifetime employment. But if socialism means anything, it means that one shouldn't have to earn anything. One merely has to breathe.

As much as America has been adversely affected by socialist thought, it is still inconceivable that in America hundreds of thousands of students would shut down their schools in order to gain the right not to be fired by the first company that hires them. But every time America's socialists, the Democrats, prevail in an election, we move in that direction. No matter how pure their motives, the Left makes America and its citizens less noble people, just like the spoiled French students.

French broads

Don't trust 'em as far as you can throw 'em. Dude, I wouldn't bang these bitches with your dick.

Axis of Weasel

Old Zeropean weasels continue their dirty work.


France closes shop for the day.

Translation of article linked from “NovLangue de pute”

From NovLangue de pute we linked the following found on The Stalker blog:

La sociologie n’a pas de chance / Sociology is hopeless

Jean-Gerard Lapacherie observes our sick modernity. I know him to tell the truth rather indirectly, not only through his many articles which he’s published in «Liberté» political reviews or in his analyses on the cleaned up «Liberty Vox» blog, did a superb job of dissecting the manipulated languange of the NLF. I thank him again for pointing out the broadly spun slogans heard dozens of times a day from journalists and howled by the uneducated imbeciles.

It is a word which often appears in the "equal opportunity law", known also as the "CPE". The law "fights", as of others fight. Dead on arrival, the hostile old virtues of France reappear in law. Admittedly, fighting never occurs in a vaccum. It is followed pronouncements of good and evil. Sometimes it is supports, sometimes it opposes. To «oppose» corresponds with countering incivility, promoting social cohesion, be against discrimination, and being for equality. «Cohesion» units what incivility separates, and equality restores what discrimination destroys. From a rhetorical point of view, the machine runs smoothly. With a call to arms the fight makes the law martial, and takes on the urgency of a war. The peace pipe will never be smoked again.
It is not entirely a "class struggle" or "the final showdown", but that could not feel too far off: a forthcoming law will team up the "proletarians" with the "transnationals" to become "mankind". It is even in the name of the "High Commission to Fight Discriminations and promote Equality" («Haute Autorité de Lutte contre les Discriminations et pour l’Égalité») or HALDE (sounds like DUMP), whose domain is to inforce the detail of the law and everything in it. The funny thing is that it’s been instituted to carry out the fight, invent or identify the enemy, decide where the fight will take place, and to pick the winner. The battlefield is a boring sort of paddock. "the HALDE identifies and disemminates the good practices and the experiments in fighting discriminations in all branches of industry" and "makes recommendations to the government, Parliament, and public authorities to fight discriminations in order to improve the language of the law, and advance the principle of equality and the state of related law".

In Iran, in 1979, one of the first decisions made by Khomeini was to create a «Commission for the Prohibition of Vice and Promotion of Virtue». The Monster has crossed many borders to reach France. The HALDE is the Empire of the Good. The only statement they make is to reverse Fascism and stop racism. It is to stop the Evil and provide all the virute you can want. The "equal opportunity law" is worded with the same bad faith, full of statements that have the consistency of batter. In South Africa or the United States discrimination was real, tangible, visible, were in the law, becoming horrifying realities. This it’s taken to Morocco, Algeria, Saudi Arabia, or elsewhere, trying to take the same fight and countering discrimination where they are a) legal and b) real, in spite of what one sees in France - or more precisely anything descriminatory in France which is ignored. A discriminatory law, if there were only one of them, would be an unlawful - ipso facto. Discrimination is banned by the Declaration of 1789 and prohibited in the Constitution of the République.

They are fictitious, and yet the well off world protests these fictions, not against these fictitious and untrue representations, but against ghosts which are imagined to be real. Social sciences concocted this goodwill. In the racial fighting which that they seek to cause any low blow is allowed. Discrimination would remain limited to the social novel, the fairy tale, or better yet in "A Thousand and One Nights," if our fabulists only intended to divert the reader. But they work towards another goal which is to pervert and and change policies. It is necessary that France is demeaned, and that is why it’s important for them to call it racist or say that it’s founded on discrimination.

Thus the French and men have to remain ill though of and thrown into the dustbin of History (with a captial H). Because insinuated in these "Thousand and One Nights" of Paris, the apartheid of France is no different than that of white South Africa. Thus the shame is kept alive in the hexagon. The French are stigmatized to restore something they were convinced that they caused. The way this joke goes, it’s the incivility which the law fights, that justifies fictitious discrimination. Before the name civilization was not manufactured at the XVIIIe century by Mirabeau, «the Friend of Man» was the word «civility» was the operative term. Preceded by «without», it applied to natives of the West Indies, denying that they had a soul. Even in the title of the law, the words «equal opportunity» reveal the direction of this text. Luck is what defines who is to be brought down.
It concerns fate and luck alone. To put equality in it, (i.e. of the law or right) is as useless as to try to make the sun shine at midnight or to reach the moon by climbing a rope. The Lotto has as a slogan "Every winner tried their luck". Similarly on the equal opportunity law "everyone who will profit from it will profit from the fight that it declared". Bad luck, risk, and misfortune, are all made unlawful. Bear in mind that it used to be said that a law either liberated or repressed.
By 2006 the number of contracts has multiplied: new hires, junior trainee, parental conditions, pre-professionnalisation... Since it is a social measure in law, the contract is everywhere: everything is contractual, even the family. Like a perpetual insurance policy it’s signed with your eyes closed. One is unaware of the hidden clauses. The spirit of the law was something that one once could have believed in. In equal opportunity, it comes straight of the sociology textbook.

The new Holy Spirit does not speak an earthly language anymore, but the language of sociology. Fight, contract, discrimination, social cohesion, incivility, citizen… All brought to you by the code of law. The law was supposed to prevent by dictat the repetition of the riots last autumn, but caused new riots in the our city centers. It causes what it was supposed to prevent. Instead of extinguishing the fires, it stoked them. It explains the significance of the law: it’s just a preoccupation of the School of the High Studies in Social Sciences. This institution is in the heart of sociocentric discrimination, incivility, contractual, egalitarian, fighter, etc. The director opened the doors to let the anti-CPE militants have places to plan.
Immediately, the debates were shouted down - doors were broken down, goods were stolen or destroyed, and lecture halls were taken over by squatters. For more than thirty years, social sciences have thrown sociological oil on the social fire. It wasn’t capitalism that they set ablaze, it was their own institutions.

You have to expect this. If parents forbid their children to play with matches, it is not on a whim, but by experiment. On television sociologists were seen moving computers to preserve their beloved research tools. It also leaked out that they had asked the riot police to get their research materials out of the buildings that they invited the rioters into. The irony is that the School of the High Studies in Social Sciences (EHESS) is the very source of the effort to impose sociology on the arts, language, literature, business, history, science, the law, and everything else. It threw the boomerang which came back to hit it square in the face. Already, an image of March 22, 1968 is evoked. The revolution in 2006 is not about a different tomorrow, nor the day after tomorrow. They admit to violating people’s sovereignty, but it’s been the rule for so long, that people don’t even notice it.

The agitators seem to hope to «bring on a change» , but right off the bat they return to Mom and Dad. The revolution, if there really is one, isn’t humilating business, but sociology. Sociology brough us this distorted reality. It is the old world of Count, Bourdieu, Durkheim, Touraine, etal, that the cat dragged in: the idols are broken, the statues are reversed, and their lies are exposed.
Fear not, comrades, the old guard of sociology is behind you ! The riots of the autumn were about welfare, 100% about welfare. Even the social panacea laws to attenuate them were destroyed by the same beast, and in the torrent of madness, the «beautiful people» rioted again. In 1956 and 1958 in exactly the same way, and to the anguish of many, the IVth Republic piled on the social measures in favor of Algerians to convince them that it was in their interest for Algeria to remain French. Without commissioning a single study, they drew the opposite conclusion : that welfare measures and sociological thought does not influence identity or is worth "being French for." Nor was its’ absence enough of a reason "not to be Algerian." The duct tape repair of sociology didn’t stick to the nation, the individual, or his identity.
In 2006, it hardly took two months to forget the lessons of last autumn’s riots.
End of text.

Bloggers monitoring animals in the wild

France-Echos English edition has several links to video and numerous photos of the movement trying to "Make Poverty Historic" by making people unemployable. Vox Galliae also has numerous links covering the idiocy as well as the anti-antis and video for anyone who can stomach the sight of it anymore.

The native habitat of the socialist seems to be paved, urban, and has running water and other infrastructure laboriously built by a previous generation. Much like the wildlife which flourishes in a landfill, it’s further limited to other peoples’ resources.

French youths will soon get jobs cleaning the streets in Beijing

Or fixing the leaky faucets in Warsaw (due payback for French racism regarding Polish plumbers). While much of the world enjoys economic expansion, Old Europe implodes like a house of cards.

NovLangue de pute

Petite tournée édifiante dans la Zone, où la novlangue des jeuns est disséquée.

Bleu Blanc Beur

Black and blue that is. General Strike tomorrow. French youths are gonna kick it.

French pacifist uses his head for once.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Would you hire him?

Or prefer to give an ex-con a chance?

It needs to be understood that Economics is not a bogeyman, not a political movement, not something whose mere discussion can be dwelt upon as an evil. Economics is a social science. Were it not for the ignorance of the anti-CPE protesters with whom 91% of those under 26 seem to agree, there appears to be a gross disconnect between what they think is in their interest, and their interest.

The idea that maintaining a low labor supply through socialist forms of intervention without suppress wages is impenetrable to most of the world – a thought that every laborer in America (who is assumed to be a sheepish victim of “the man,”) would find strikingly stupid. That this is not a beneficial way for a society to operate, goes without question regardless of ideology because it doesn’t add up. The case tête-arati, as “educated” as they are seems to detach from the fact that their parents and grandparents, and well as their children need a thoroughly employed population to keep the socialist-social-model Ponzi scheme afloat.

Economist Thomas Sowell writing on the very subject of just what it is that people think is economics in all of this knows well enough as a resident of the San Francisco area, what for this ignorance can take:
«Why are students at the Sorbonne and other distinguished institutions out trashing the streets and attacking the police? Because they want privileges in the name of rights, and are too ignorant of economics to realize that those privileges cost them jobs.

Like some other European Union countries, France has laws making it hard to fire anybody. The political left has long believed that such laws are a way of reducing unemployment.»
It also raises questions and opportunities from another point of view – that of the employer. Now that the trimester is shot, and the initiation of pre-employment riots has already happened, anyone who takes the risk of hiring can make use of it. If one can winnow out of an employee that they were among those protesters, much of the un-implemented law has already accomplished something. The last person to be hired would be the most reflexively anti-employer of the lot. The expectations one can make of the potential hire can immediately be narrowed to whether or not they will actually be working with you, or against you as their imaginary political opponent. After all, all you need is an 35-36 hours of clock-watching.

Sowell again:
« To try to deal with this high unemployment rate among young workers, the job security laws have recently been modified to make it easier for employers to fire those workers who are on their first job.

That is what has French students outraged and rampaging through the streets of Paris. They don't want employers to be able to fire them after they graduate and go to work.

Students and their political supporters, including labor unions, depict them as victims. Among the slogans chanted by the rioters is "We're not young flesh for the boss." The fact that many bosses don't seem to want to hire their young flesh seems to be lost on them.»
The ignorance of how economy works goes much farther. What should be tangible to any taxpayer, regardless of whether or not you think your taxes are going to a good use. All of these economic interventionist measures make growth, the very potential to make life better for those with the least, harder.

Lawrence Kudlow talks to this point. As a writer and commentator on economics, markets, and personal finance, he comes right out with the aggregating effect of just one of the components of the western European economic model:
«Indeed, at the heart of the French problem is a statist-run socialist economy that is massively overtaxed and overregulated. France’s public government sector, for instance, accounts for more than 50 percent of GDP. In other words, private business in France is in the minority.

Added to this, France’s top personal tax rate is 48 percent, with a VAT tax of nearly 20 percent. So that means French laborers face a combined 68 percent tax rate on consumption and investment. No wonder France has created less than 3 million jobs over the past twenty years, compared to 31 million in the United States. Economic growth in “cowboy capitalist” America has exceeded that of France’s worker paradise by nearly 50 percent.

In a dramatic speech to the European Parliament last summer, British Prime Minister Tony Blair hit the mark when he criticized all Western European economies for their inability to compete on an acceptable global level. Asked Blair, “What type of social model is it that has 20 million unemployed in Europe? Productivity rates falling behind those of the USA? That, on any relative index of a modern economy — skills, R&D, patents, information technology — is going down, not up?”»
Sadder still is that of all the Europeans I work with, the ones I’m impressed by the most are the ambitious “escapees” of the French model and world view that it engenders. They are small in number, highly motivated, and excel at their efforts – and they suffer from a sadness that they have for their countrymen, for who they always seem to hope for more. Sooner or later explaining is away with “that’s just the way some people are” doesn’t work any more when you see what people could, but aren’t doing for the society at large by succeeding at something.

In the arts and literature this is well understood. In any endeavor to which a monetary figure seems attached, there are many for whom cheering this on is a taboo. As bad a life without a rich literary and artistic landscape is rarely worth living, not being able to be genuinely and personally generous is even worse. Mush worse still when fewer and fewer people have anything to be generous with.

Fed. up.

...and showing it on the blogsphere. Students who are actually students seem to be growing a spine, organizing, counter-protesting, and want the knuckle draggers to grow up:

«Le McDo victime du CPE»

Encore un qui n'a rien demandé à personne, vous cassez tout, mais pas le CPE, j'attends vos arguments!

«Mickey D’s made victim of the anti-CPE mobs»

Still nothing required of nobody. You’ll trash everything in sight except the CPE. I’m still waiting to hear your argument!
As for what should be permitted and what shouldn’t, the left is preparing to lynch itself on it’s egalitarian, open, inclusive, petard of caring and concern:

«Or, dans les commentaires postés par les internautes, le reproche principal à l'égard du mouvement anti-blocage porte justement sur le fait qu'il serait organisé et manipulé par l'UMP et par l'UNI, le syndicat étudiant de droite. Mise au point des blogueurs, le 16 mars : "Nous tenons à rappeler que l'initiative du rassemblement de dimanche n'est pas du fait de l'UNI. Les manœuvres de ce syndicat pour tenter de s'approprier le sit-in de dimanche comme le mouvement général anti-blocage sont inacceptables".»

«However, in comments posted in the internet, the principal retort to the anti-blockade movement precisely relates to the fact that they’re accused of being organized by the UMP and the conservative student union.
March 16: "Don’t forget that the initiative of the gathering on Sunday was not because of conservative student union. The operations of this trade union to try to take over the Sunday sit-in make the anti-boycott movement is unacceptable,
There they go again. The usual ‘class theory’ bullshit that’s been parroted for a century to the resounding rejection of civilization. Do they mean to say that only conservatives have masked voilent outsiders hovering around? If so why aren't THEY the one trashing property?

Pfft!!! Get a job! The amazing thing is that everything in the anti-CPE's student's lives has been for their benefit - the "salaries" the ENArcs get, the stipends, the virtually free education... It isn't like significantly less money couldn't be spent simply recruiting people who can do the jobs many of these little ingrates pretend to be preparing themselves for.

If ANYONE tries to use the Socialist "social cost-benefit" argument when it comes to free university education, then please tell me what benefit there is to neither charging an engineering student and a sociology student equally? What actual benefit comes from the Soc student who spent 4 opinionated years in Uni playing politics when others do it for free? Don't they normally end up as an administrative assistant or doing something equally menial if they find a job at all?

What makes someone who fears the CPE employable at all?

The filth of the 9-3

"Death to the U.S., Death to Jews." Tout comme la petite séance de convivialité multiculturelle récemment offerte à Ilan Halimi.

Des chances pour la Fwance ...

... font leur sale besogne.