Friday, March 11, 2005

Don't stay in hopeless. Polska.

Madrid's public memorial to the victims of the 11-March terrorist attack has its' proponents and its' critics, and is inadvertantly acting as something of a polling machine.

From the Guardian:

«The memorial to the victims in Atocha station is no Picasso. At first glance, it could be two self-service ticket machines. On closer examination, these turn out to house metal keyboards on which you can type a message of commemoration or solidarity, linked to a scanned image of your hand. Between the two memory machines hang large white cylinders on which people can write whatever they like. "Never again", features several times. "Aznar, Bush and Blair are the assassins." And a voice of touchingly ungrammatical Polish optimism: "Don't stay in hopeless. Polska."»

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