Saturday, January 29, 2005

Les Nuits Americain / American Nights

No, this is not about the Joan Jett cover of a song by the Runaways.

The “Mayor” of the
3eme arrondissement of Paris gets involved in international affairs, the way all local municipal officials should, and hosts a town hall sponsored series of Anti-American films, talks, discussions, and participatory events.
Transatlantic Intelligencer has the dish - complete with photographs! They haven't been so greatly infantalized that they forgot how to use cameras!

Further down the page is the usual municipal pimping of industry, local color, and other primitive pleasures of the natives. If your instinct is to get angry, don’t. Have pity. Hatred like this is a sign of immaturity that has a habit of blowing itself out violently. Possibly even like 1968 all over again.

As told to me by one quite obviously happy citoyen:

Vous et votre idologie ignoble qui a fait des centaines de millions de mort!

Trente-six heurs avant les premires elections libres et democratiques dans l'Irak dbarrasse de votre ancien alli Saddam par les USA, vous organisez de
grotesques sauteries anti-americaines pour tarlouses bobo-gauchiste.

Au XXIe sicle, on chasse les dictateurs et les fanatiques coups de bombe: il est fini le temps des cerises, celui ou ces fous faisaient la loi, il va falloir vous y faire. Trouvez une autre idologie gnocidaire, un autre culte morbide, d'autres pygmalions barbe ou moustache.

Ou mieux : pendez-vous, on gagnera du temps!

- One thousand thank yous and all of my camels to the
wonderful Carine, and to Herr Wei for bringing this to our attention.

Terror Alert Level
Parisian idiocy early warning system alert level

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