Wednesday, November 24, 2004

China Shows Its Clout by Joining the Movers and Shakers of the World

Two years in a row, first in Beijing, next year in Shanghai. More proof that China is joining the great powers of the world and will be a force to reckon with in the new century. (Is that Nelson Mandela in the picture on the right? Top-rate sponsorship if it is…)
(Suggestion: Put down your mug and swallow before proceeding…)

Actually, no, I can't say I did know that… (three years!… some people I know, it feels like 30…)

I found the third and fifth guidelines some of the most helpful guidlines of all… The ninth one ("For guys…"), I somehow seem to have heard in the past. Thanks to the vandalism guideline (# 8), I now understand why I am invited back so rarely to friends' houses — I guess I will have to make drastic changes in my behaviour — Thank you,!

They even have "I would be having a much [more?] wonderful experience" contests — and prize-winning contests with "mysterious" gifts, at that! Enough blogging — back to the drawing board!

If they are honest in naming the association they work for, I think the (mainland) Chinese and the Finnish members probably find it easier to get a date (smart move, Finland!)

For more info, check out the instructive articles (I can't wait to read the top one; do you realize how often I've tried to google about that very subject and never come up with an informative web page?!)…

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