Thursday, September 30, 2004

About a British leader who worked for peace: "no conqueror returning from a victory on the battlefield has come adorned with nobler laurels"

On this date, many years ago, sophisticated British and French leaders finally understood that blood-letting is not the solution and that war has never solved anything. Deciding that war was a scourge to be at avoided at all costs, they saw that an ounce of understanding and compassion would be no great sacrifice for peace.

After the UK's Prime Minister returned from Munich, he was duly fêted as a peace-maker and for his visionary ability. Intoned The Times: “no conqueror returning from a victory on the battlefield has come adorned with nobler laurels." When an MP started to protest that, on the contrary, Britons had “sustained a total, unmitigated defeat”, he was forced to stop his speech until the storm of protest in the House of Commons had subsided. And why not? One should not have to listen to simple-minded, reactionary war-mongers speaking from their twisted, outdated "war logic".

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